Most of my career has been in academic health sciences, and I come across interesting synergies that propel business in this area. I am impressed with what the University of South Carolina, Medical University of South Carolina, Clemson University, and other schools in South Carolina are doing to become a powerhouse much like the Research Triangle in North Carolina or the Emory University and Georgia Tech growing relationships in Georgia.
I first noticed last year the announcement that USC would build a major complex for research called
Innovista. I was impressed with the vision and also the details of the design that would include residences and businesses within the complex that could sustain a small town of researchers in an intellectual rich environ.
USC has also received wealth from Columbia's philanthropy to continue to drive its research programs and recruit major talent. From a communications perspective, I like the way USC is promoting its mission and achievements via its
web site - a nicely designed and easy to navigate site. The school can reach audiences ranging from donors to legislators to media to investors to community to patients to potential new scientists with this web site. You cannot underestimate the importance of a go-to place that impresses and builds excitement.