I have been reading a book by Harrison Monarth called "Executive Presence, The Art of Commanding Respect Like a CEO" [
on Amazon] and decided to Google him to see what comes up - afterall, he says you should be good at branding yourself!
Well, he is good. I found a lot of ways to learn more about him and his skills. I think one of the best ways to brand yourself is to write a book about how to do something well in the current business environment. I like it when someone thinks innovatively, and Monarth seems to combine common sense with new ideas.
With my Google of Monarth, I found an interesting person who has written a book, too. Dan Schawbel of
Millineal Branding, published "Me 2.0". He interviewed Monarth for his blog, and I will give you one sentence to ponder and then visit
Schawbel's blog for an interesting interview - "knowing the impact of how you come across is most critical." I agree that awareness is important. I haven't read Me 2.0, but it looks interesting!
In Monarth's book, he tells CEOs, or CEO wannabes, that they should utilize all social media to enhance their brands. I agree that communicating your ideas in various forums is good, and building relationships in a 2.0 world is important.